I got some problem with my FSLex which I can't solve... All I know is that fslex.exe exited with code 1...
The F# code at the top was tested in F# Interactive, so the problem isn't there (I can't see how).
Lexer: http://pastebin.com/qnDnUh59
And Parser.fsi: http://pastebin.com/sGyLqZbN
Thanks, Ramon.
Non-zero error means the lexer failed, usually it'll describe the failure too. When I compile, I get exited with code 1
along with this:
Unexpected character '\'
let id = [\w'.']+
Lexer doesn't like char literals outside of quotes, and it doesn't understand the meaning of \w
either. According to FsLex source code, FsLex only understands the following escape sequences:
let escape c =
match c with
| '\\' -> '\\'
| '\'' -> '\''
| 'n' -> '\n'
| 't' -> '\t'
| 'b' -> '\b'
| 'r' -> '\r'
| c -> c
This fixed version of your lexer compiles fine for me: http://pastebin.com/QGNk3VKD