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Xamarin XLabs Forms CalendarView not working on Android

I'm using the CalendarView control in Xamarin Forms from the XLabs Nuget package in Xamarin Studio.

The CalendarView is defined as below, but no Calendar is shown on the android device:

using System;

using Xamarin.Forms;
using XLabs.Forms.Controls;

namespace CustomRenderer
public class MyPage : ContentPage
    public MyPage()
        CalendarView calendarView = new XLabs.Forms.Controls.CalendarView 
                MinDate = new DateTime(2016, 1,1),
                MaxDate = new DateTime(2016, 1, 31),
                VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                ShowNavigationArrows = true,

                DateBackgroundColor = Color.White,
                IsVisible = true,

        calendarView.DateSelected += (object sender, DateTime e) => {

        Content = new StackLayout

                HeightRequest = 400,
                WidthRequest = 320,
            Children =


  • Remember to initialize the MainActivity with

    MainActivity : XFormsApplicationDroid

    AND add XLabs to the Droid project as well. It's working now.