I have an out parameter. Is it possible to transfer it as reflection? Can you give me some examples how to do that?
I'm not sure what this has to do with VS extensibility, but it's certainly possible to invoke a method with an out
parameter by reflection and find out the out
parameter's value afterwards:
using System;
using System.Reflection;
class Test
static void Main()
MethodInfo method = typeof(int).GetMethod
("TryParse", new Type[] { typeof(string),
typeof(int).MakeByRefType() });
// Second value here will be ignored, but make sure it's the right type
object[] args = new object[] { "10", 0 };
object result = method.Invoke(null, args);
Console.WriteLine("Result: {0}", result);
Console.WriteLine("args[1]: {0}", args[1]);
Note how you need to keep a reference to the array used to pass arguments to the method - that's how you get the out
parameter value afterwards. The same is true for ref