I just going to display parse tree. i have a sentence that already parsed and now only i need is display it root by node.here is displaying section
display_tree :-
sformat(A, 'Display tree ~w', vertical),
new(D, window(A)),
send(D, size, size(350,200)),
new(T, tree(text('Root'))),
send(T, neighbour_gap, 10),
new(S1, node(text('Child1'))),
new(S2, node(text('Child2'))),
send_list(T, son,[S1,S2]),
new(S11, node(text('Grandchild1'))),
new(S12, node(text('Grandchild2'))),
send_list(S1, son, [S11, S12]),
new(S21, node(text('Grandchild3'))),
new(S22, node(text('Grandchild4'))),
send_list(S2, son, [S21, S22]),
send(T, direction, vertical),
send(D, display, T),
send(D, open).
and i want to display this sentence
and my goal is
new(S1, node(text('np'))),
new(S2, node(text('vp'))), etc,.
Is there any easy solution???
show_parse_tree(S) :-
sformat(A, 'Display tree ~w', vertical),
new(D, window(A)),
send(D, size, size(800, 600)),
S =.. [F|Args],
new(T, tree(text(F))),
send(T, neighbour_gap, 10),
send(T, direction, vertical),
maplist(show_parse_tree, Args, Children),
send_list(T, son, Children),
send(D, display, T),
send(D, open).
show_parse_tree(Arg, Child) :-
Arg =.. [F|Args],
new(Child, node(text(F))),
( Args == []
-> true
; maplist(show_parse_tree, Args, Children),
send_list(Child, son, Children)
show_parse_tree :-
The code can be simplified, and tree direction is better passed as parameter:
show_parse_tree(Direction, SyntaxTree) :-
sformat(A, 'Display tree ~w', Direction),
new(D, window(A)),
send(D, size, size(800, 600)),
new(T, tree),
send(T, neighbour_gap, 10),
send(T, direction, Direction),
show_node(SyntaxTree, Root),
send(T, root, Root),
send(D, display, T),
send(D, open).
show_node(Node, Child) :-
Node =.. [F|Args],
new(Child, node(text(F))),
maplist(show_node, Args, Children),
send_list(Child, son, Children).
show_parse_tree :-
show_parse_tree(vertical, ...).