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Random sentence creation using Word 2007 VBA

How to create a random sentence in word using VBA?

For example the code beneath created a sentence the cat sat on the mat1. I would like to declare words in place of i.

Is it possible using VBA?

    Sub Randomsentence()
    Dim text As String
    Dim s As String
    MyText = "The cat sat on the"
    i = Int(4 * Rnd())
    Selection.TypeText (MyText)
    Selection.TypeText (i)
    End Sub


  • The following declafres an array and fills it with words. Then a random word is selected from the array and added to the sentence (shown as MsgBox for simplicity):

    Sub Randomsentence()
        Dim MyText As String
        Dim s(5) As String
        Dim i As Integer
        s(1) = "mat"
        s(2) = "floor"
        s(3) = "roof"
        s(4) = "car"
        s(5) = "garage"
        MyText = "The cat sat on the "
        i = Int(5 * Rnd())
        MsgBox MyText & s(i)
    End Sub

    A maybe nicer way to do that is to read the words from a file. I leave that to you as a nice excercise.