I need to auto generate some UI forms in code to display message contents. I want to use QToolbox, with an item for each message type. I then want to add labels and line edit to the contents of each tab, depending on the message protocol. I cannot seem to programaticaly add widget items to the toolbox item.
Below is my current code segment. The ui->frame is just a container for the toolbox. I will worry later about layout.
In my code, I create a frame and then some labels with parent set to the frame. Then I add the frame as an item to the toolbox.
QToolBox *qtbMainToolbox = new QToolBox(ui->frame);;
QFrame *frm1 = new QFrame;
QLabel *lbl1 = new QLabel(frm1);
QLabel *lbl2 = new QLabel(frm1);
QLabel *lbl3 = new QLabel(frm1);
QLabel *lbl4 = new QLabel(frm1);
iRetVal - qtbMainToolbox->addItem(frm1 ,"Test");
There is no visible element in your widgets; icon or any text.
You have to Set icon or Text to Your QLabel.
QToolBox *qtbMainToolbox = new QToolBox(ui->frame);;
QFrame *frm1 = new QFrame;
QLabel *lbl1 = new QLabel("Hello World",frm1);
iRetVal - qtbMainToolbox->addItem(frm1 ,"Test");
try above code.