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edit css of elements within iframe

I am using some free instagram feed iframe code on my site and want to edit the size of the pictures on mobile...curently on desktop the feed is 2 rows of 5 pictures. on mobile I want to increase the size of the pictures to 50% width that way its 5 rows of 2 pictures. I opend up the console and it looks like its that needs a width:50%; however when you look at the css of that element it is li with a width of 20% but i need it to be 50%.

I am using weebly to build the site if that helps and yes I am inserting li{
width:50% !important;

onto the media query for mobile "max width 480px".

this is the embed code I am using to call the feed.

<!-- LightWidget WIDGET --><script src="//"></script><iframe src="//" id="lightwidget_3c1052429c" name="lightwidget_3c1052429c"  scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" class="lightwidget-widget" style="width: 100%; border: 0; overflow: hidden;"></iframe>

obviously when the webpage renders that iframe it is calling an html doc hosted somewhere...I need to know if there is a way to alter that css.

hopefully i explained that well.



  • [...] Obviously when the webpage renders that iframe it is calling an html doc hosted somewhere. I need to know if there is a way to alter that css.

    The question of how to style an element inside an iFrame has come up on StackOverflow many times before - try having a look here:

    How to apply CSS to iframe?

    Another post that addresses it can be seen here:

    Using CSS to affect div style inside iframe

    And one with a rather short explanation here:

    CSS override body style for content in iframe?