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How to reply to a review using Trustpilot API

I want to use Trustpilot API to reply to a review.

I already have an access_token and this is my request :


But this request always gets a 400 Bad Request response.

In Trustpilot's API document, there is no specification about this. to a review.

Can someone help me about how I can reply a review using TrustPilot API.


  • For using Reply-to-Review API:

    1. Ensure you are using correct reviewID

    2. You must provide access token in request, which you are already doing

    3. The reply message is to be provided as request parameter in JSON format ( Kindly refer: )

    4. Since you are posting the reply message in JSON format please ensure that

      A. In Request header "Content-Type" is set to "application/json"

      B. HTTP method type is "POST"

    Any further issue, please contact [email protected] and I will reply you over there