I have Following query
MATCH (p:Product)-[r9:SCP_HAS_SCMVSV]-(scmvsv:ProductSCMVSValue) WHERE
scmvsv.Id IN ["63dc2250-77c3-4cdb-888b-b2420eaee1f1",
return p
it returns all products that are related to any values to in parameter, I need return all products that are related to ALL values in parameter
To find a product with relationships to multiple ProductSCMVSValue labeled nodes - do this:
MATCH (p:Product)-[r9:SCP_HAS_SCMVSV]-(:ProductSCMVSValue {id: "63dc2250-77c3-4cdb-888b-b2420eaee1f1"})
MATCH (p)-[r9:SCP_HAS_SCMVSV]-(:ProductSCMVSValue {id: "4571cef2-45bb-41cc-8954-b8e8b8ee6d7d"})
return p
add more MATCH() lines to add more values to the match criteria.