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Selective error checking in Bash script

So I have a bash script as follows:

Command1 -- If error occurs, ignore error and continue execution
Command2 -- If error occurs, ignore error and continue execution
Command3 -- If error occurs, stop execution, exit the script with the error
Command4 -- If error occurs, stop execution, exit the script with the error
Command5 -- If error occurs, stop execution, exit the script with the error
Command6 -- If error occurs, ignore error and continue execution

I need to check specific commands to see if they threw an error and if they did, exit the script with an error code (Comand3,4,5). However, I cannot use "set -e" because I wish to purposefully ignore certain commands as well(Command1,2,6).

Is there any way I can combine the commands 3, 4 and 5 within a function and run it such that the script exits if any of these commands throw an error? Also, if I wish to do some cleanup before the script exits (similar to catch clause in Java, where the code executes if there is an exception), how can I do so?



  • How about:

    Command3 || exit
    Command4 || exit
    Command5 || exit


    Command3 && Command4 && Command5 || exit

    To do your cleanup:

    cleanup() {
        # commands here that do your cleanup
        # ...
    Command3 && Command4 && Command5 || { cleanup; exit; }