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How can I access an explicitly implemented method using reflection?

Usually, I access a method in reflection like this:

class Foo
    public void M () {
        var m = this.GetType ().GetMethod ("M");
        m.Invoke(this, new object[] {}); // notice the pun

However, this fails when M is an explicit implementation:

class Foo : SomeBase
    void SomeBase.M () {
        var m = this.GetType ().GetMethod ("M");
        m.Invoke(this, new object[] {}); // fails as m is null

How do I access an explicitly implemented method using reflection?


  • It's because the name of the method is not "M", it will be "YourNamespace.SomeBase.M". So either you will need to specify that name (along with appropriate BindingFlags), or get the method from the interface type instead.

    So given the following structure:

    namespace SampleApp
        interface IFoo
            void M();
        class Foo : IFoo
            void IFoo.M()
 can do either this:

    Foo obj = new Foo();
        .GetMethod("SampleApp.IFoo.M", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
        .Invoke(obj, null);            

    ...or this:

    Foo obj = new Foo();
        .Invoke(obj, null);