I get the following error when trying to create an Ad through the Marketing API:
error_subcode: 1359101
error_user_msg: "You need to have a valid payment method associated with your ad account before you can create ads."
error_user_title: "Add Payment Method"
I couldn't find any extra information on this error_subcode here https://developers.facebook.com/docs/marketing-api/error-reference, and the main error code "100 - Invalid parameter" was hardly any help.
Note: I'm not looking to add a payment method manually to an account at "...facebook.com/ads/manager/billing/transactions/..." to make this go way.
Edit: Is there a way to check if the user has a payment method setup on the Ad Account?
Is there a way to check if the user has a payment method setup on the Ad Account?
Have a look at the Ad Account object’s fields funding_source
and funding_source_details
– using those you should be able to determine if a payment method is set up for the account (plus additional details, if necessary.)