Since upgrading to alloy 1.8.2 all of my ListViews are having text filled in with KrollWrapper ids in place of the data I am trying to bind. I have tried all kinds of things and nothing has changed this at all, is there something I am missing? My data binding is set up like the documentation explains and has worked flawlessly up till now. I have tried it with and without the transform function in the model and with and without the data transform function defined in the controler and I have many lists and this is happening on many, and the other are now blank.
Also I do not know how to roll Alloy back so it will work again(was working on 5.2.0), how might I do that?
Turns out that the vast majority of our problems where from having a different version of underscore in the lib/alloy folder. After removing that file and using the included underscore version almost all of our issues went away including all the KrollWarapper issues described above.