I'm trying to deserialize from a xml string to an object. But my obect is always null.
I have an abstract class (Response), a class that inherits from "Response" (DirectorSearchResponse), and an object in the class "DirectorSearchResponse" (HeaderResponse). This object is always null after deserialization.
public abstract class Response
public HeaderResponse Header { get; set; }
public Response()
public class DirectorSearchResponse : Response
public DirectorSearchResponse() : base()
public class HeaderResponse
public String toto { get; set; }
public HeaderResponse()
My running code :
String toto = "<xmlresponse><header><toto>tutu</toto><reportinformation><time>08/04/2016 13:33:37</time><reporttype> Error</reporttype><country>FR</country><version>1.0</version><provider>www.creditsafe.fr</provider><chargereference></chargereference></reportinformation></header><body><errors><errordetail><code>110</code><desc></desc></errordetail></errors></body></xmlresponse>";
XmlSerializer xsOut = new XmlSerializer(typeof(DirectorSearchResponse));
using (TextReader srr = new StringReader(toto))
DirectorSearchResponse titi = (DirectorSearchResponse)xsOut.Deserialize(srr);
When I execute my code, the object "titi" is instanciate, but "Header" is always null.
How retrieve the "toto" value from xml ?
XML is case sensitive, so you need to use [XmlElement("header")]
to inform the serializer of the correct element name for the Header
public abstract class Response
public HeaderResponse Header { get; set; }
public Response()
The [XmlRoot("header")]
you have applied to HeaderResponse
only controls its element name when it is the root element of an XML document.