I am using the Chart Library (danielgindi/Charts).
I have a segment which displays a Day, Week, Month and Year option. Depending on what is selected will show on the Chart.
I have the following code:
var highestValue : Double = 0.0
@IBAction func segmentChanged(sender: AnyObject) {
switch durationSegment.selectedSegmentIndex
case 0:
segmentSelected = "Day"
highestValue = 8.0
case 1:
segmentSelected = "Week"
highestValue = 10.0
case 2:
segmentSelected = "Month"
highestValue = 12.0
case 3:
segmentSelected = "Year"
highestValue = 14.0
print("segment selected = \(segmentSelected)")
displayDurationLabel(segmentSelected, providedStartDate : NSDate())
func setChart(xValues: [String], valuesCandleChart: [Double], durationToBeDisplayed: String) {
chartView.descriptionText = ""
print("within setChart, durationToBeDisplayed = \(durationToBeDisplayed)")
chartView.noDataText = "No spends logged for \(durationToBeDisplayed)"
chartView.leftAxis.customAxisMax = highestValue
When the ViewController is initially called, it uses the segmentSelected = "Month" and the chart displays the correct message however when I change the segment, e.g. "Day", the print shows the correct output however the '.noDataText' doesn't update as expected.
Any help would be appreciated :)