Can anyone help with this...
I have this list component and I want to be able to switch different data stores (defined in props)
mixins:[Reflux.listenTo(RecentPupilsStore, 'onChange')],
But I want to do this -
mixins:[Reflux.listenTo(, 'onChange')],
But props don't appear to be available in the mixin. I also tried to transfer it to a function:
mixins:[Reflux.listenTo(this.setStore(, 'onChange')],
setStore: function(store){
if(store == 'RecentPupilsStore') { return RecentPupilsStore; }
Any help appreciated. pretty new ot react but trying to make it as reusable as possible!
EG: I want to include the component like this:
<FilterList data="pupils" />
<FilterList data="groups" />
etc - and these would look at these stores.
I would pass on using the mixin and just listen to both stores and map your data accordingly.
componentDidMount = () => {
// console.log('AppCtrl componentDidMount');
this.unsubscribeApp = AppStore.listen(this.appStoreDidChange);
this.unsubscribeGS = GenusSpeciesStore.listen(this.gsStoreDidChange);
componentWillUnmount = () => {
appStoreDidChange = () => {
gsStoreDidChange = () => {