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Why does XPath expression fail on Illustrator-generated XML?

Below I have two XML (SVG) documents. The original has been opened in Adobe Illustrator and just exported. That is all.

The difference is that I cannot make any XPath expression work with the exported file!

xmllint --xpath '/svg' org.svg gives me the entire contents of the <svg> element, including child nodes, whereas xmllint --xpath '/svg' ill.svg just outputs XPath set is empty.

I cannot find any meaningful difference between the two files, except the DOCTYPE, but adding it manually makes no difference.


<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
<svg viewBox = "0 0 800 600" version = "1.1">
<!-- Oslo -->

        id = "Oslo_0"
        fill = "green"
        stroke = "white" stroke-width = "1"
        d = "M294.816,483.766l0.71,1.432l3.134,4.696c0.528,0.793,0.701,1.776,0.47,2.701l-0.193,0.793 c0.659,0.131,1.29,0.391,1.77,0.874l0.435,0.417l1.049,0.502l3.259,1.569c1.294,0.518,1.551,1.756,1.551,3.146v1.786l1.96,3.442 c0.299,0.741,0.522,1.541,0.268,2.297l-0.269,1.359l0.485,0.119l0.408,0.702L311.49,511h0.6h2.598h0.947l-1.272-6.497 c-0.105-0.525-0.179-1.427-0.03-1.943l1.435-5.858l-0.806-0.671L314,495.032v-0.824c0-0.892,1.77-1.751,2.4-2.383l1.436-0.351 l-0.061-1.118l-0.781-0.433l-0.322-0.211l-4.858-3.25c-0.575-0.384-1.002-0.918-1.256-1.563l-2.469-4.064 c-0.158-0.396-1.089-0.826-1.089-1.252v-2.102l0.287-2.98l-1.477-2.634c-0.224-0.301-0.133-0.605-0.25-0.963l-1.164-2.435 c-0.118-0.357-0.396-0.695-0.396-1.073v-0.346l-2.684-1.15c-0.335-0.168-0.577,0.64-0.844,0.376L300.125,467h-3.611l0.986,2.668 c0.297,1.207-0.083,2.15-1,2.989l-6.98,6.237l4.508,3.928C294.35,483.103,294.624,483.383,294.816,483.766z"



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 18.1.0, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 0)  -->
<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px"
     width="612px" height="792px" viewBox="0 0 612 792" enable-background="new 0 0 612 792" xml:space="preserve">
<path id="Oslo_0" fill="#008000" stroke="#FFFFFF" d="M225.5,536.6l0.5,1.1l2.4,3.6c0.4,0.6,0.5,1.4,0.4,2.1l-0.1,0.6


  • There is a very meaningful difference that you've overlooked:

    • In org.svg, svg is in no namespace.

    • In ill.svg, svg is in the namespace.

    In order to use XPath against ill.sgv, you'll have to do one of the following:

    1. Declare and use a namespace prefix (preferable). [Credit: Daniel Haley]

      xmllint --shell ill.svg
      / > setns s=
      / > xpath /s:svg    
    2. Write your XPath such that the namespace is ignored.

      xmllint --xpath "/*[local-name() = 'svg']" ill.svg