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Embarcadero: How to use TBase64Encoding's EncodeBytesToString method

I am attempting to convert an array of bytes to a base64 encoded String using the EncodeBytesToString method of the TBase64Encoding class. The documentation for EncodeBytesToString states:

"Returns a string with the input array of bytes encoded up to the specified number of bytes."

Therefore, I attempted to encode my byte array like so:

TFile * File = new TFile();

TBytes Bytes = File->ReadAllBytes("D:\\Sample.pdf");

TBase64Encoding * Encoder = new TBase64Encoding();

String EncodedBytes = Encoder->EncodeBytesToString(Bytes, Bytes.Length);

However, I get the following error:

E2285 Could not find a match for 'TNetEncoding::EncodeBytesToString(TByteDynArray,int)'

I am confused, as the documentation seems to say that I should pass a TBytes object and an int into this function. What am I missing here?


  • Try this:

    String __fastcall BytesToBase64( TByteDynArray _ArrayIn )
        TBase64Encoding * Encoding = new TBase64Encoding( 64, '\n' );
        String Result = Encoding->EncodeBytesToString( &_ArrayIn[0], _ArrayIn.High );
        delete Encoding;
        return Result;
    TByteDynArray __fastcall Base64ToBytes( String _64String )
        TByteDynArray My64Bytes = _64String.BytesOf();
        return TNetEncoding::Base64->Decode(&My64Bytes[0], My64Bytes.High);