Let's assume, that I have two entity classes:
- user provider;
- simple article.
The Article
class also have these properties:
- indicating on user which created this particular entity;
- indicating on user which lately updated content of particular article.
How to pass currently logged user object to Article
entity to set specific values on author
and/or updatedBy
properties on backend generated by EasyAdminBundle on Symfony 3.0.1?
If you are in a Controller you just do that
If you want that this is automatic
You need to declare a listener on Doctrine event. In your case I guess on preUpdate by including the current user.
There is a very nice documentation here http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/doctrine/event_listeners_subscribers.html
I edit here to answer at your comment
Don't worry you can inject the user entity when you declare your listener as Service
For example :
class: App\AppBundle\Your_Listener
arguments: ["@security.token_storage"]
Your listener :
private $current_user;
public function __construct($security_context) {
if ($security_context->getToken() != null) {
$this->current_user = $security_context->getToken()->getUser();
Now you can do
$entity= $args->getEntity(); // get your Article
if (!$entity instanceof Article) {