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iOS WatchOS2 WatchConnectivity [WCSession defaultSession] activateSession] failure

I have XCode 7.3, iPhone5 with iOS 9.3, Apple Watch with WatchOS 2.2

I have a company project which wants to support Watch App. Firstly, I built an empty project to make sure the watchkit and watchkit extension is working, and it does work. I can see the session is established and the watch is paired.

But after i put the same code into the company project, it can only work for once:the first time I RUN the app directly from Xcode.When I kill the app from background and open it again, the app shows no paired watch. In this condition , I got the log below: In iOS app

paired == NO ---- watchAppInstalled=== NO---- complicationEnabled==NO  ----<WCSession:0x7ffb9a815ab0,hasDelegate:No,activationState:2>

in watchKit Extension

Error Domain=WCErrorDomain Code=7004 "WatchConnectivity session has not been activated." UserInfo={NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Activate the WatchConnectivity session., NSLocalizedDescription=WatchConnectivity session has not been activated., NSLocalizedFailureReason=Function activateSession has not been called.}

my code about wcsession :


in AppDelegate+GC_WCSession

 - (void)startWCSession{

    [self configSession];
     [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(changeLoginStatus:) name:GCLoginNotifyKey object:nil];

- (void)configSession{
    if (![WCSession isSupported]) {
    _session = [WCSession defaultSession];
    [_session setDelegate:self];
    [_session activateSession];
- (void)session:(nonnull WCSession *)session didReceiveApplicationContext:(nonnull NSDictionary<NSString *,id> *)applicationContext {
    [self.session activateSession];
    if ([applicationContext objectForKey:k_WK_Token]) {
        [self synchronousUserInfo];

- (void)changeLoginStatus:(NSNotification *)noti{
    [self synchronousUserInfo];

- (void)synchronousUserInfo{
    [self.session updateApplicationContext:replayDict error:nil];

- (WCSession *)session{
    if (![WCSession isSupported] || ![[WCSession defaultSession] isPaired ]|| ![[WCSession defaultSession]isWatchAppInstalled] ) {
        return nil;
    return  _session;

in AppDelegate

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
     [self startWCSession]; 

watchKit Extension

in ExtensionDelegate

- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching {
    // Perform any final initialization of your application.
     [self startWCSession];
- (void)startWCSession{

    [self configSession];
- (void)configSession{
    _session = [WCSession defaultSession];
    [_session setDelegate:self];
    [_session activateSession];

- (void)session:(nonnull WCSession *)session didReceiveApplicationContext:(nonnull NSDictionary<NSString *,id> *)applicationContext {
- (WCSession *)session{
    return _session;

This is what I've tried up to now:

  • reset content and settings of all simulators

  • deleted watch app from watch &from iPhone

  • via settings in Watch App on Phone: Removed Watch Extension for Phone App and reinstalled it

  • Tried setting up the iPhone WCSession in AppDelegate INIT Method

I don't think the code is wrong, because it's working in an empty project.I wonder if the environment config has problems. I am struggling with this issue for many days now. So every hint is highly appreciated.


  • I Solved this issue. The code is blow.

    - (void)configSession{
        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
        if (![WCSession isSupported]) {
        _session = [WCSession defaultSession];
        [_session setDelegate:self];
        [_session activateSession];

    But I don't see any documents that need to call this method in the main thread. Moreover, this method is called before is in the main thread.So I think it might be the runloop problem.