Search code examples

Referencing with GeoIndex

I am new to GeoIndex. Currently I have ~1600 geo-tagged images, I am working with GeoIndex to find all images within a certain radius of my point(or my current location), all is working fine, it is returning the points which match the query. However as each image has a unique URL I need to be able to maintain the link between Geo coordinate and the URL.

For example:

def find_distance(index,myLocation,arraySearch,radius):

    myUrlArray = []
    for coords in arraySearch:

    for point,distance in index.get_nearest_points(myLocation,radius,'km'):
        print point

myLocation is passed in as a paramter as is an array called arraySearch which contains data read from a JSON file in the following format:

arraySearch = [(latitudecoordinate,longitudecoordinate,url)]

when running the above function I get the following output:

Point(54.573307, -5.998721)
Point(54.600225, -5.920579)
Point(54.598671, -5.918605)
Point(54.598671, -5.918605)
Point(54.598671, -5.918605)
Point(54.598671, -5.918605)
Point(54.598671, -5.918605)
Point(54.598671, -5.918605)
Point(54.601469, -5.921652)
Point(54.601493, -5.920901)

Ideally I would like:


thanks in advance!

Edited to correct indentation errors in code


  • Then you simply need to include the url in the ref slot available in the object structure:

    def find_distance(index,myLocation,arraySearch,radius):
        myUrlArray = []
        for value in arraySearch:
            index.add_point(GeoPoint(value[0],value[1], ref=value[2]))
        for point,distance in index.get_nearest_points(myLocation,radius,'km'):
            print point, point.ref

    As the Point object doesn't include this attribute in their __repr__ method, you will need to add it in your print statement as above.