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ffmpeg moving text drawtext

I'm using ffmpeg library to draw text on video in specific time and i'm success to do that Now i need to move the text from position to another and i can't do that so can any one suggest me how to do that

i'm using this command to move text from top to down but i can't determine the x and Y to move from the x,y to specific x,y

ffmpeg -i VideoInput.mp4 -vf "drawtext=enable='between(t,12,14)':fontfile=myfont.otf:text='Test test':x=(w-text_w)/2:y=w/50\*mod(t\,2):fontsize=65" -acodec copy outputVideo.mp4


  • Use

    ffmpeg -i VideoInput.mp4 \
           -vf "drawtext=enable='between(t,12,14)':fontfile=myfont.otf:text='Test test': \
               x='x1+(x2-x1)*(t-t1)/(t2-t1)':y='y1+(y2-y1)*(t-t1)/(t2-t1)':fontsize=65" \
           -acodec copy outputVideo.mp4


    x1 and y1 are initial co-ordinates; x2 and y2 are final co-ordinates; t1 and t2 are start and end times; in your given command, 12 and 14.

    These above need to be replaced with their values in the command.

    To give a 1 second stay at the end,

    ffmpeg -i VideoInput.mp4 \
           -vf "drawtext=enable='between(t,12,15)':fontfile=myfont.otf:text='Test test': \
               x='if(lt(t-t2+1\,0)\,x1+(x2-x1)*(t-t1)/(t2-t1-1)\,x)': \
               y='if(lt(t-t2+1\,0)\,y1+(y2-y1)*(t-t1)/(t2-t1-1)\,y)':fontsize=65" \
           -acodec copy outputVideo.mp4

    Here t2 includes the stay, so movement from 12 to 14 + 1 second hold. The t2 in enable is changed as well.