I have a fruit
object in swift with
var title: String?
var desc: String?
I have it in a fruitsArray
which is an NSMutableArray.
I want to sort out these fruit objects alphabetically depending on their title. I need to do this both ascending and descending.
I have tried doing the following:
NSSortDescriptor *sortDescriptor =
[NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:@"title"
[fruitsArray sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:@[sortDescriptor]];
But it does not work at all, just heaps of errors.
How do I do this?
Thanks in advance friends.
You have to use sort
function with a block:
struct Fruit {
var title: String
var desc: String
var fruits = [Fruit]()
fruits.append(Fruit(title: "a", desc: "b"))
fruits.append(Fruit(title: "c", desc: "d"))
let sorted = fruits.sort() { $0.title > $1.title }