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Conversion of Java to C# code


I am currently trying to convert some lines of code from Java to C# using Visual Studio 2013. However the lines below is causing me some issues:

final double testdata[][] = {{patientTemperatureDouble, heartRateDouble, coughInteger, skinInteger}};
result[i] = BayesClassifier.CalculateProbability{testdata[k],category[i]};

Any clarification as to converting the array to a suitable c# format would be greatly appreciated, I have attempted using readonly and sealed but I've had no luck.



  • As asked in the comment, if your testdata is a class' field, you could use readonly keyword. But if it is a local variable/method parameter, there is no direct equivalent in C#. In either case, given a set of double[], you can initialize a double[][] jagged array by removing one of the curly brackets:

    readonly double[][] testdata = new double[][] { //for class field
        patientTemperatureDouble, //is double[]
        heartRateDouble, //is double[]
        coughInteger, //is double[]
        skinInteger //is double[]
    double[][] testdata = new double[][] { //for local variable
        patientTemperatureDouble, //is double[]
        heartRateDouble, //is double[]
        coughInteger, //is double[]
        skinInteger //is double[]