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Force RecyclerView to redraw its items

Is there any way to redraw all items of RecyclerView?

I have some Themes (in style.xml) and after changing the theme, I need the RecyclerView to be redrawn.

So I want a method that will force to re-call onCreateViewHolder for each items of the adapter.

I tried to:

  • call adapter.notifyDataSetChanged but onCreateViewHolder is not called
  • call recyclerView.setVisibility(View.GONE) and then recyclerView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  • call recyclerView.invalidate()
  • call recyclerView.setAdapter(null) and then recyclerView.setAdapter(adapter).
    This works well for 90% items. Only 90% of items will get the new style, but some items will have the old style

I mention that the RecyclerView is attached to an Activity, not to a Fragment.


  • I found the answer! The correct way to do this is:


    After that, all the items are getting the new style!