I am trying to allocate memory for the content of a file with words(separated by: \n).
How do I replace the 16000 to make it usable with files of greater size?
My code:
typedef struct node {
bool is_word;
struct node* children[27];
} node;
node* root;
bool load(const char* dictionary)
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen(dictionary, "rb");
node* node_bucket = calloc(16000, sizeof(node));
node* next_free_node = node_bucket;
// compute...
// to later free the memory with another function
root = node_bucket;
You can allocate memory dynamically without knowing how large the file is. I used a block size that is a power of 2, which is generally kinder towards block I/O. It wastes a little when the last block is only partially used, but here is an example, which you could adapt to work with your node structs:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define BLOCKSIZE 16384
int main(void) {
unsigned char *buf = NULL;
unsigned char *tmp = NULL;
size_t totalread = 0;
size_t currentsize = 0;
size_t currentread = 0;
FILE *fp;
if((fp = fopen("test.txt", "rb")) == NULL)
do {
currentsize += BLOCKSIZE;
if((tmp = realloc(buf, currentsize)) == NULL)
buf = tmp;
currentread = fread( &buf[totalread], 1, BLOCKSIZE, fp);
totalread += currentread;
} while (currentread == BLOCKSIZE);
printf("Total size was %zu\n", totalread);
return 0;