I am showing facebook posts via facebook graph and using masonry. Default masonry initialization:
itemSelector: '.grid-item',
percentPosition: true
Default facebook posts:
$(document).ready(function() {
var accessToken ='xxx';
url: 'https://graph.facebook.com/v2.5/abc/posts?fields=full_picture,id,is_published,link,story,message,name,updated_time,description,from,source,caption,created_time,permalink_url,type,target&access_token=' + accessToken + '&limit=5',
type: 'GET',
$.each( result.data, function( index, value ) {
var link;
var imgSrc = '';
var name = '';
var message = '';
if(typeof(value.link) != "undefined" && value.link !== null) {
link = value.link;
} else {
link = value.permalink_url;
if(typeof(value.full_picture) != "undefined" && value.full_picture !== null) {
imgSrc = value.full_picture;
if(typeof(value.name) != "undefined" && value.name !== null) {
name = value.name;
if(typeof(value.message) != "undefined" && value.message !== null) {
message = value.message;
'<div class="grid-item"><a href="'+value.permalink_url+'" target="_blank">'+
'<div class="thumbnail">'+
'<img src="'+imgSrc+'" alt="'+name+'" >'+
'<div class="caption">'+
error:function() {
$("#facebook-feed").html('Failed To Load Resource');
Now I have load more feed button which is used to load more feeds based on limit.
$(document).on("click", "#load-more-feeds", function() {
url: $("#hidden-next-feed").val(),
type: 'GET',
success: function(result) {
$.each( result.data, function( index, value ) {
var link;
var imgSrc = '';
var name = '';
var message = '';
if(typeof(value.link) != "undefined" && value.link !== null) {
link = value.link;
} else {
link = value.permalink_url;
if(typeof(value.full_picture) != "undefined" && value.full_picture !== null) {
imgSrc = value.full_picture;
if(typeof(value.name) != "undefined" && value.name !== null) {
name = value.name;
if(typeof(value.message) != "undefined" && value.message !== null) {
message = value.message;
var moreFeeds = '<div class="grid-item"><a href="'+value.permalink_url+'" target="_blank">'+
'<div class="thumbnail">'+
'<img src="'+imgSrc+'" alt="'+name+'" >'+
'<div class="caption">'+
var $moreFeeds = $( moreFeeds );
// Append new blocks
$("#facebook-feed").find("div.grid-item:last").after( $moreFeeds );
// Have Masonry position new blocks
$("#facebook-feed").find("div.grid-item:last").masonry( 'appended', $moreFeeds );
'<div class="grid-item"><a href="'+value.permalink_url+'" target="_blank">'+
'<div class="thumbnail">'+
'<img src="'+imgSrc+'" alt="'+name+'" >'+
'<div class="caption">'+
error:function() {
$("#facebook-feed").html('Failed To Load Resource');
The facebook posts is coming fine but the masonry isn't working. How to solve this? Thanks in advance.
You can use $('#facebook-feed').masonry('reloadItems');
to reload items but if it doesn't work you can destroy the masonry instance with $('#facebook-feed').masonry('destroy');
and re-initialize it again.
You can check all the available methods here.