I use Fresco to load gif in a Recyclerview.
Here is my kotlin code:
fun loadResizeImage(uri: Uri, view: SimpleDraweeView, width: Int, height: Int) {
val request = ImageRequestBuilder.newBuilderWithSource(uri)
.setResizeOptions(ResizeOptions(width, height)).build()
val controller = Fresco.newDraweeControllerBuilder()
view.controller = controller
I don't play the gif, I just load it as a static image. But when I invoke notifydatasetchanged
, the gif blinks.
I have set the supportsChangeAnimations
to false, and only the gif is blinking. Can anyone help me?
My solution is to set tag to the view, if the tag equals to the uri i won't reload the image. But I find when i invoke notifyDataSetChange, the tag i set to the view is changed.but when I invoke notifyItemChanged,it doesn't.I have no idea why the tag changed(i didn't scroll the RecyclerView).