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Eclipse Scout Neon buttons fill space to much

I think that there is a UI bug with buttons. I have buttons defined like with this :

protected boolean getConfiguredProcessButton() {

    return false;

protected boolean getConfiguredFillHorizontal() {

    return true;

but they fill the space to much, like shown in this picture :

enter image description here

Is this a bug, or I missing something?


  • By default all form-fields in Scout Html UI reserve some space on the right side, to display their (info-, error-) status or the context menu icon. I guess that's also the case with the table/group-box-title we see in your picture. Try IFormField#setStatusVisible(boolean) or override AbstractFormField#getStatusVisible().

    A small hint: The table has it's own menu-bar. So I would rather add the "new row" action as a menu with menu-type 'EMPTY_SPACE' to the table and the "delete row" action as a menu with menu-type 'SINGLE/MULTI_SELECTION' instead of adding buttons to the form. Example:

    public class SampleTable extends AbstractTable {
      public class NewMenu extends AbstractMenu {
        protected Set<? extends IMenuType> getConfiguredMenuTypes() {
          return CollectionUtility.<IMenuType> hashSet(TableMenuType.EmptySpace);
        protected String getConfiguredText() {
          return TEXTS.get("New");
        protected void execAction() {
          // TODO: impl. new
      public class DeleteMenu extends AbstractMenu {
        protected Set<? extends IMenuType> getConfiguredMenuTypes() {
          return CollectionUtility.<IMenuType> hashSet(TableMenuType.MultiSelection, TableMenuType.SingleSelection);
        protected String getConfiguredText() {
          return TEXTS.get("Delete");
        protected void execAction() {
          // TODO: impl. delete

    For a full example check the TableFieldForm / AbstractFileTableField in the Scout demo application called "widgets". The application is hosted here: