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Need more information concerning logstash

I need easy explanation please :slight_smile: I am a beginner in logstash I have some questions :slight_smile:

  1. What is the tag _gorkparsefailure and it used for? if I delete this tag what will happen?

  2. How to remove the tag multiline?

  3. How can I make a condition from a field of my grok (condition in grok)?

  4. What is endpoint?


    1. grok{} is a filter used to parse larger fields (like an entire log line) into smaller fields. If your pattern doesn't match the input given, a tag of "_grokparsefailure" will be added to the event. If you delete it, you will lose the knowledge that such a failure occurred. I would suggest finding the cause of the failure and resolving that instead.

    2. You can remove a tag with the remove_tag param available on most filters. The mutate{} filter is a common one to use for this:

      mutate { remove_tag => [ "multiline" ] }

    3. If I understand the question correctly, you can use a field that was created by grok{} in a conditional to run some other filter:

      if [myField] == "myValue" { ... }

    4. Generically, an endpoint is a destination. In the ELK world, I only see it used in the http{} input and output, which are using to describe a website as the destination.