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Sending an AlchemyData News query using Node.js (watson-developer-cloud module)

I'm currently working with Node.js using the watson-developer-cloud Node.js SDK and I'm having problems when sending a query that includes an entity.

This is my code:

// require watson's node sdk and fs
var watson = require('watson-developer-cloud');
var fs = require('fs');

// Define output file
var outputJSONFile = '/home/vagrant/Desktop/node/dir/data.json';

// Create alchemy_data_news object using our api_key
var alchemy_data_news = watson.alchemy_data_news({
  api_key: ''

// Define params for the query and what values to return
// Accepted returne values:
var params = {
  start: 'now-1m',
  end: 'now',
  count: 2,
  qs: ['q.enriched.url.enrichedTitle.entities.entity.text=apple'],
  return: ['enriched.url.url,enriched.url.title']

// Call getNews method and return json
alchemy_data_news.getNews(params, function (err, news) {
  if (err) {
    console.log('error:', err);
  } else {
    fs.writeFile(outputJSONFile, JSON.stringify(news, null, 2), function(err)   {
      if (err) {
        console.log('WriteFile Error:', err);
      } else {
        console.log("JSON saved to " + outputJSONFile);

I'm still trying to figure out how to send the entities parameters using the params object.

While digging up through some code I came across qs so I have been using that to test but I haven't had success at all.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

P.S: I'm trying to pass:
q.enriched.url.enrichedTitle.entities.entity.text=apple q.enriched.url.enrichedTitle.entities.entity.type=company


  • If you look at the node-sdk source code for AlchemyDataNews, you will see that the top level parameters are being sent as query strings.
    Then params map should be:

    var params = {
      start: 'now-1m',
      end: 'now',
      count: 2,
      return: ['enriched.url.url,enriched.url.title'],
      // fields here 
      'q.enriched.url.enrichedTitle.entities.entity.text': 'apple',
      'q.enriched.url.enrichedTitle.entities.entity.type': 'company'