I have abstract group box. Inside this group box I have smart field, and on change I would like to fill some other fields in form.
Problems are :
My try was to change abstract group box to "normal group box" and set values like this :
protected void execChangedValue() {
AbstractCarSelectionBoxData formData = new AbstractCarSelectionBoxData();
FormDataUtility.exportFormData(this.getParentField(), formData);
formData = BEANS.get(IOfferFormService.class).loadCarInformations(formData);
FormDataUtility.importFormFieldData(this.getParentField(), formData, false, null, null);
This approach actually work, and fill the data, but I get
2016-03-22 10:18:57,448 WARN scout-model-thread-20 o.e.s.rt.client.ui.form.fields.AbstractValueField - Loop detection in com.sixt.leasing.scout.client.template.AbstractCarBox$CarTypeSixtField with value 279096 [m4042 @ ]
java.lang.Exception: null
at org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.form.fields.AbstractValueField.setValue(AbstractValueField.java:324) [org.eclipse.scout.rt.client-5.2.0.M5.jar:5.2.0.M5]
at org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.form.fields.AbstractValueField.importFormFieldData(AbstractValueField.java:219) [org.eclipse.scout.rt.client-5.2.0.M5.jar:5.2.0.M5]
What is right approach to deal with this case?
I know that I could always get only the DTO object and set values in client, but this is not what I would like to have...
Solution for problem 1
Create an abstract method AbstractCarSelectionBoxData createNewBoxData();
in AbstractCarSelectionBox
and implement it in the corresponding subclasses returning the new form data, e.g. new MyFormDataContainingCarSelectionBox().getCarSelectionBox();
Solution for problem 2
Before importing the form data, call setValueSet(false)
on the field that triggered the execChangedValue
, e.g. formData.getMySmartfield().setValueSet(false)
This will make sure that it's not imported into the form, thus no loop detection should occur.