On some views I show the name of a selected item as the title of the AppBar
. But when the name is very long, the VBox
containing the title label grows to the prefWidth of the label. You can see the result on the first picture.
As a workaround I add a styleClass to the appBar, which sets the maxWidth for the label.
view.setOnShown(e -> getAppBar().getStyleClass().add("myStyleClass"));
Although it's working, it's bad practice to set the maxWidth like that, because it can't be adjusted to different screen sizes.
How can I achieve the result on the second picture, and make the title's width adapt to different screen sizes?
A quick and dirty workaround to set the max width of the label based on the scene dimensions could be, on a View subclass:
protected void updateAppBar(AppBar appBar) {
appBar.setTitleText("Very very very long title");
((Label) appBar.getTitle()).maxWidthProperty().bind(appBar.getScene().widthProperty().subtract(100));
where the amount to subtract will depend on the number of buttons (nav icon, action icons or menu button) you have in that view.