I want to move a directory as a copy/paste routine, by keeping its structure as it is. I am not looking only for the files within all subfolders in a directory then copy/paste them (as this solution), instead I want to clone the whole thing and keep its structure as it is (Tree -> subfolders and files), exactly like a copy and paste routine.
So I found this function that copies a folder full of files to a new path:
Folder -> File(s)
The function behaves as known as the copy/paste routine. It takes SourcePath, DestinationPath and boolean value to OverWriteExisting. Nice and small but too bad it wasn't marked as the actual answer of that question there (recommend a rate).
But what if I want to move a whole directory? In other words, what if I have a folder that has folders of folders of folders of files and etc? And maybe it is unknown the file structure tree size like this:
Folder -> Folder(s) -> ... -> Folder(s) -> File(s)
I am using the below routine to copy/paste a folder that has folders. But here I know that I only have one level of folders so only one foreach loop is required:
foreach (var Folder in DestinationFolder) // here I know that I have only one level of folders to reach the files
CopyDirectory(FolderPath, DestinationPath, false); // use that function to copy the files
This above function serves this directory structure:
Folder -> Folder(s) -> File(s)
I tried this and it didn't do what I want. I only retrieve all files while it searches all the subfolders. Which is not what I want. I want to keep the subfolders and the original structure as it is. Here I get four files instead of the directory structed as it is, subfolders and their subfolders, subfolders, files. Only four because it removes duplicates which I do not want this to happen because I need all of them.
Here is my current structure(but my question is global to any directory):
Folder -> Folders -> Folders + Files
Here is what the below code does in the new path:
NewFolder -> AllFilesFoundInAnySubfolder
dialog.FileName = dialog.FileName.Replace(".xml", ""); // get the destination path
DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(dialog.FileName);
if (dirInfo.Exists == false)
List<String> EverythingInTheDirectory = Directory
.GetFiles(FileStructure.baseSessionPath + "\\" + SelectedSession.Name, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList(); // source
foreach (string file in EverythingInTheDirectory)
FileInfo mFile = new FileInfo(file);
// to remove name collusion
if (new FileInfo(dirInfo + "\\" + mFile.Name).Exists == false)
mFile.MoveTo(dirInfo + "\\" + mFile.Name);
How to move the whole directory with unknown size and keep its structure as it is? Not get only the files from a directory and move them!
Here is an example that will recursively clone a directory to another destination directory.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
CloneDirectory(@"C:\SomeRoot", @"C:\SomeOtherRoot");
private static void CloneDirectory(string root, string dest)
foreach (var directory in Directory.GetDirectories(root))
//Get the path of the new directory
var newDirectory = Path.Combine(dest, Path.GetFileName(directory));
//Create the directory if it doesn't already exist
//Recursively clone the directory
CloneDirectory(directory, newDirectory);
foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(root))
File.Copy(file, Path.Combine(dest, Path.GetFileName(file)));