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how to Segue to uitextview from uitableview in swift and use nsattributedtext property

I am developing an IOS app using swift language in which I want to segue from uitableview's row to uitextview to show some text and I want to use attributed text property of uitextview but its not working.How to do that?


  • First of all, you can't segue to a UITextView; you can segue only to another view controller. But maybe you meant to say that your segue goes to a view controller with a UITextView in it. If so, then control-drag a segue from your table view cell to the other view controller, and give the segue an identifier. Then, in your table view controller, implement:

    func prepareForSegue(_ segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender sender: AnyObject?) {
        if segue.identifier == "the-segue-id-that-you-put-in-your-storyboard" {
            // Cast your destination view controller to the specific type
            if let destinationVC = segue.destination as? <your-view-controller-type> {
                destinationVC.textView.attributedText = <your-string>