When I make a search, my url result is:
And after that show all search results, I click on button:
<%= link_to 'Reserva', refinanciamentos_reserva_refinanciamento_path, :class => 'btn btn-primary' %>
And this button go to other view and other method. How make for pass the search params (pesquisa_func_cpf=111.111.111-11) for other method in same controller? The method for search is index and I need pass the params for method reserva_refinanciamento, how make? I don't have no one idea about this =/
--------------------- UDPDATE: This is my controller
def index
if params[:pesquisa_func_cpf].present?
@funcionarios = Funcionario.pesquisa_cpf(params[:pesquisa_func_cpf]).all
@autorizacoes = Autorizacao.pesquisa_func_cpf(params[:pesquisa_func_cpf]).all
def reserva_refinanciamento
# nothing here
You can do like this
<%= link_to 'Reserva', refinanciamentos_reserva_refinanciamento_path(:pesquisa_func_cpf => params[:pesquisa_func_cpf]), :class => 'btn btn-primary' %>
Then in reserva_refinanciamento method you can able to get the search data by params[:pesquisa_func_cpf].