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Generate WSDL file from WSDL URL

I have a WebService definition exposed on http://localhost:8080/myService?wsdl

This WSDL contains many external schema imports.

I want to save this WSDL to file (single one or wsdl + xsd - whatever).

I know that SoapUI can do that via Export definition, however I'm working on Windows and SoapUI throws:
(The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect) 

As you can see i have like 83+ .xsd file which cousing too long filename (on Windows).

Any idea how to change a SoapUI naming convention or how to export definition to file with other tool?


  • Right-click and choose "Show Interface Viewer". Choose the tab "WSDL Content". Right-click the WSDL in the right-hand side and choose "Select All", then "Copy". Paste into Notepad and Save.

    (2016/04/13 Update incorporating my own comment below) Alternately:

    Try Merging WSDL and XSD files which has the description of a free tool to do this. It has a link to Google Code page for the source code and binary. On the Google Code page, click the Downloads link on the left to download only the Windows binary, if you prefer not to build it from source code.