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Solving a puzzle in prolog - generating a solution with constraints?

I'm using prolog to try to solve a kakuro puzzle. I have a list of rules like this, where R and C represent the row and starting point of each box, L represents the length and S is the sum of the numbers in the row,

 % across(R, C, L, S)

As far as I can tell, to solve the puzzle across using constraints, for each element L, I would have to find distinct numbers between 1 and 9 which when added up are equal to S. I'm really struggling to work this out, the code I have so far is this:

solveAcross(Solution) :-
    findall([R,C,L,S], across(R,C,L,S), List), 
    Solution = length(List, L),
    Solution ins 1..9,
    labeling([], Solution).

But all this does is return false.

Any help would be appreciated.


  • So first you need to create your matrix, which will end up being the grid of your kakuro puzzle. That is definitely the first step - apologies if you've already made it.

    Then you want to make a few rules for the across constraints:

    acrossConstraints(Matrix) :- getAcross(List), applyAcross(Matrix,List).
    %this is the overall thing to call, containing two predicates you need to make
    getAcross :- findall([R,C,L,S],across(R,C,L,S),List).
    %creates a list of the across facts
    applyAcross(Matrix,[[R,C,L,S]|T]) :- acrossConstraints(R,C,L,S,M), applyAcross(Matrix,T). 
    %call another rule and recurse over the list.

    acrossConstraints is the tricky bit - here you want to grab the square you want and then make a list starting from that point. Hint: use append and hint.

    Good luck!