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How to avoid 'Cannot read write-only property' using bindable constraint on transient

I'm having trouble to bind values using a transient property using grails 3.1.4.

Taking this domain as an example:

class Domain {
    Boolean b1
    Boolean b2
    Boolean b3

    void setPropertyList(propertyList) {
            this.b1 = true         

    static transients = ['propertyList']

    static constraints = {
        propertyList bindable: true

I would like to use a specific property (here: propertyList) for data binding. This property is available in the data binding source, but not in my domain. So I added a transient and a setter. To include the transient propertyList for data binding I added the bindableconstraint.

The setter setPropertyList is called during data binding. The properties of the resulted domain instance has all properties set as expected. But when I try to save the resulted instance I get the following exception:

groovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException: Cannot read write-only property: propertyList
    at org.grails.validation.ConstrainedPropertyBuilder.doInvokeMethod(

Looks like grails having some trouble to validate the instance.

Any ideas how to fix this?


  • After some debugging it turns out, that grails couldn't find a type for propertyList and so skips the data binding.

    Adding a getter helps grails to infer the type. This avoids the exception.

    List<String> getPropertyList() {}