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Angular Custom filters: match value with value in array and get corresponding name


I want to convert a number to a animal with a Angular filter.

I have the following ng-repeat:

<div ng-repeat="speed in speeds track by $index">
   You're faster than a <span ng-bind="speed.value | speedToAnimal"></span>

speed.value wil give you a value like 42.9

Ik want to match this speed value with a speed value in a array where speeds are linked to animals.

For example this is the array I have:

var animals = [
      "speed": 33.7,
      "animal": 'pig',
      "speed": 40.2,
      "animal": 'Dog',
      "speed": 45.4,
      "animal": 'Horse',

The speed value 42.9 is higher than the speed value of the dog in the array but lower than the speed value of the horse so I want the filter to turn the value 42.9 in to "Dog" so the end result wil be: You're faster than a Dog, instead of You're faster than a 42.9

I know how to call a filter but I don't know how build one.
Call filter: ng-bind="speed.value | speedToAnimal

app.filter('speedToAnimal', function() {
  return function(input, optional1, optional2) {
    // Do filter work here
    return output;



  • With some help from the answer of Amulya Kashyap this is my working solution:

    <div ng-repeat="speed in speeds track by $index">
       You're faster than a <span ng-bind="speed.value | speedToAnimal"></span>

    The Filter a came up with:

    app.filter('speedToAnimal', function () {
        return function (value) {
            var animals = [
                {"speed":12,"animal":"Field Mouse"},
                {"speed":13,"animal":"House Mouse"},
                {"speed":20,"animal":"Gray Squirrel"},
                {"speed":22,"animal":"Sea Lion"},
            if(!animals) return;
            var curSpeed = value;
            var len = animals.length - 1;
            while(len >= 0){
                if(curSpeed >= animals[len].speed){
                    return animals[len].animal;