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Scala Slick 3.1 multiple joins

I'm trying to perform multiple joins in Slick 3.1.1. The result that I would like to achieve is this:

SELECT * FROM customer LEFT JOIN customer_address ON = customer_address.customer_id LEFT JOIN address ON customer_address.address_id =

I have tried the following:

val query = for {
  c <- Customer
  ca <- CustomerAddress if ca.customerId ===
  a <- Address if === ca.addressId
} yield (c, a)

The problem here is that if a customer doesn't have an address that it doesn't appear which makes sense.

Then I tried this:

    val query2 = for {
       (c, ca, a) <- (Customer joinLeft CustomerAddress on ( === _.customerId)) joinLeft Address on (_._2.addressId ===
    } yield (c, a)

The problem here is that I get an error on _._2.addressId because _._2 is a Rep object.

Exact error:

Error:(21, 110) value addressId is not a member of slick.lifted.Rep[Option[Models.Tables.CustomerAddress]]
  (c, ca, a) <- (Customer joinLeft CustomerAddress on ( === _.customerId)) joinLeft Address on (_._2.addressId ===

Auto generated Slick Tables class:

How can I get the results that I want with Slick?


  • What you have to do is also map the results.

    val query2 = for {
          ((c, ca), a) <- (Customer joinLeft CustomerAddress on ( === _.customerId)) joinLeft Address on ( ===
    } yield (c, a)