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How to assign different number of threads to each functions using OpenMP

I have two functions, and a for-loop inside the second function.

fun1() {
fun2() {
    for(...) {

Now i want to run fun1 and fun2 in parallel (i.e. each function using a single thread). And inside fun2 i wish i can use omp parallel for to execute the for-loop.

I tried to implement it like this.

fun1() {

fun2() {
    #pragma omp for
    for() {

int main() {
    #pragma omp parallel
        #pragma omp single

But it would invoke fun2 several times.

So is there a way to do this ?


  • You should use a combination of OpenMP sections and nested parallelism:

    In main:

    #pragma omp parallel sections num_threads(2)
       #pragma omp section
       #pragma omp section

    In fun2:

    #pragma omp parallel for
    for (...)

    To run your program with e.g. 8 threads, do something like this:


    This way, the outer parallel region will execute with two threads and the nested parallel region in fun2 will execute with seven threads. If OMP_THREAD_LIMIT is not set to 8 (or is unset), OpenMP will start eight threads for the nested region for nine threads in total, which might or might not be desirable.