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Aerospike-loader installation giving error on Ubuntu 14.04

when i am trying to install aerospike-loader using mvn clean install command, it gives error. Below is the result of mvn clean install command.At the end of result it shows error.

[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Aerospike Loader
[INFO]    task-segment: [clean, install]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] [clean:clean {execution: default-clean}]
[INFO] Deleting /home/ubuntu/Arti/Setup/aerospike-loader-master/target
[INFO] [resources:resources {execution: default-resources}]
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 1 resource
[INFO] [compiler:compile {execution: default-compile}]
[INFO] Compiling 9 source files to /home/ubuntu/Arti/Setup/aerospike-loader-master/target/classes
[INFO] [resources:testResources {execution: default-testResources}]
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 14 resources
[INFO] [compiler:testCompile {execution: default-testCompile}]
[INFO] Compiling 1 source file to /home/ubuntu/Arti/Setup/aerospike-loader-master/target/test-classes
[INFO] [surefire:test {execution: default-test}]
[INFO] Surefire report directory: /home/ubuntu/Arti/Setup/aerospike-loader-master/target/surefire-reports

 T E S T S
Running com.aerospike.load.CsvFileParserTest
TestValidateTimestampInteger: start
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :99  - Aerospike loader started
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :199  - Number of data files:1
INFO  Parser           :165  - Number of columns: 2(metadata) + 1(bins)
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :210  - Config file processed.
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :406  - Parameters:[ host=, port=3000, ns=test, set=null, ttl=-1, timeout=0, write-action=UPDATE, fileType=csv, delimiter=,, timeZoneOffset=0, ignoreFirstLine=true, abortErrorCount=0]
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :415  - Reader pool size : 1
INFO  PrintStat        :85  - 2016-04-03 02:27:57 load(Write count=0 tps=0 Errors=0 (Timeout:0 KeyExists:0 othersWrites:0 ReadErrors:0 Processing:0) Progress:0%
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :425  - Shutdown down reader thread pool
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :541  - Processing: data.csv
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :536  - Reader completed 11-lines in 0.054sec, From file: data.csv
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :429  - Reader thread pool terminated
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :433  - Shutdown down writer thread pool
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :436  - Writer thread pool terminated
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :439  - Final Statistics of importer: (Succesfull Writes = 10, Errors=0(0-Write,0-Read,0-Processing)
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :451  - Aerospike loader completed
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set1 key=key1 bin=dob value=8/20/80 generation=9 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set2 key=key2 bin=dob value=9/3/93 generation=9 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set3 key=key3 bin=dob value=6/0/90 generation=9 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set4 key=key4 bin=dob value=10/16/46 generation=9 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set0 key=key5 bin=dob value=8/26/56 generation=9 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set1 key=key6 bin=dob value=1/7/97 generation=9 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set2 key=key7 bin=dob value=4/28/88 generation=9 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set3 key=key8 bin=dob value=9/21/81 generation=9 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set4 key=key9 bin=dob value=2/14/14 generation=9 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set0 key=key10 bin=dob value=11/23/23 generation=9 expiration=0
TestValidateTimestampInteger: Complete
Test static BinName: start
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :99  - Aerospike loader started
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :199  - Number of data files:1
INFO  Parser           :165  - Number of columns: 2(metadata) + 1(bins)
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :210  - Config file processed.
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :406  - Parameters:[ host=, port=3000, ns=test, set=null, ttl=-1, timeout=0, write-action=UPDATE, fileType=csv, delimiter=,, timeZoneOffset=0, ignoreFirstLine=true, abortErrorCount=0]
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :415  - Reader pool size : 1
INFO  PrintStat        :85  - 2016-04-03 02:27:58 load(Write count=10 tps=10 Errors=0 (Timeout:0 KeyExists:0 othersWrites:0 ReadErrors:0 Processing:0) Progress:55%
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :541  - Processing: staticBinData.csv
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :425  - Shutdown down reader thread pool
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :536  - Reader completed 4-lines in 0.026sec, From file: staticBinData.csv
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :429  - Reader thread pool terminated
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :433  - Shutdown down writer thread pool
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :436  - Writer thread pool terminated
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :439  - Final Statistics of importer: (Succesfull Writes = 13, Errors=0(0-Write,0-Read,0-Processing)
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :451  - Aerospike loader completed
Test static BinName: Complete
TestValidateString: start
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :99  - Aerospike loader started
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :199  - Number of data files:1
INFO  Parser           :165  - Number of columns: 2(metadata) + 1(bins)
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :210  - Config file processed.
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :406  - Parameters:[ host=, port=3000, ns=test, set=null, ttl=-1, timeout=0, write-action=UPDATE, fileType=csv, delimiter=,, timeZoneOffset=0, ignoreFirstLine=true, abortErrorCount=0]
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :415  - Reader pool size : 1
INFO  PrintStat        :85  - 2016-04-03 02:27:58 load(Write count=13 tps=13 Errors=0 (Timeout:0 KeyExists:0 othersWrites:0 ReadErrors:0 Processing:0) Progress:62%
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :541  - Processing: data.csv
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :425  - Shutdown down reader thread pool
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :536  - Reader completed 11-lines in 0.051sec, From file: data.csv
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :429  - Reader thread pool terminated
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :433  - Shutdown down writer thread pool
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :436  - Writer thread pool terminated
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :439  - Final Statistics of importer: (Succesfull Writes = 23, Errors=0(0-Write,0-Read,0-Processing)
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :451  - Aerospike loader completed
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set1 key=key1 bin=loc value=loc80 generation=10 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set2 key=key2 bin=loc value=loc93 generation=10 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set3 key=key3 bin=loc value=loc90 generation=10 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set4 key=key4 bin=loc value=loc46 generation=10 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set0 key=key5 bin=loc value=loc56 generation=10 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set1 key=key6 bin=loc value=loc97 generation=10 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set2 key=key7 bin=loc value=loc88 generation=10 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set3 key=key8 bin=loc value=loc81 generation=10 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set4 key=key9 bin=loc value=loc14 generation=10 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set0 key=key10 bin=loc value=loc23 generation=10 expiration=0
TestValidateString: Complete
TestValidateStringUtf8: start
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :99  - Aerospike loader started
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :199  - Number of data files:1
INFO  Parser           :165  - Number of columns: 2(metadata) + 1(bins)
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :210  - Config file processed.
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :406  - Parameters:[ host=, port=3000, ns=test, set=null, ttl=-1, timeout=0, write-action=UPDATE, fileType=csv, delimiter=,, timeZoneOffset=0, ignoreFirstLine=true, abortErrorCount=0]
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :415  - Reader pool size : 1
INFO  PrintStat        :85  - 2016-04-03 02:27:58 load(Write count=23 tps=23 Errors=0 (Timeout:0 KeyExists:0 othersWrites:0 ReadErrors:0 Processing:0) Progress:69%
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :425  - Shutdown down reader thread pool
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :541  - Processing: data.csv
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :536  - Reader completed 11-lines in 0.027sec, From file: data.csv
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :429  - Reader thread pool terminated
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :433  - Shutdown down writer thread pool
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :436  - Writer thread pool terminated
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :439  - Final Statistics of importer: (Succesfull Writes = 33, Errors=0(0-Write,0-Read,0-Processing)
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :451  - Aerospike loader completed
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set1 key=key1 bin=UTF8 value=Ûtf880 generation=11 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set2 key=key2 bin=UTF8 value=Ûtf893 generation=11 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set3 key=key3 bin=UTF8 value=Ûtf890 generation=11 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set4 key=key4 bin=UTF8 value=Ûtf846 generation=11 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set0 key=key5 bin=UTF8 value=Ûtf856 generation=11 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set1 key=key6 bin=UTF8 value=Ûtf897 generation=11 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set2 key=key7 bin=UTF8 value=Ûtf888 generation=11 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set3 key=key8 bin=UTF8 value=Ûtf881 generation=11 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set4 key=key9 bin=UTF8 value=Ûtf814 generation=11 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set0 key=key10 bin=UTF8 value=Ûtf823 generation=11 expiration=0
TestValidateStringutf8: Complete
Test Dynamic BinName: start
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :99  - Aerospike loader started
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :199  - Number of data files:1
INFO  Parser           :165  - Number of columns: 2(metadata) + 2(bins)
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :210  - Config file processed.
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :406  - Parameters:[ host=, port=3000, ns=test, set=null, ttl=-1, timeout=0, write-action=UPDATE, fileType=csv, delimiter=,, timeZoneOffset=0, ignoreFirstLine=true, abortErrorCount=0]
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :415  - Reader pool size : 1
INFO  PrintStat        :85  - 2016-04-03 02:27:58 load(Write count=33 tps=33 Errors=0 (Timeout:0 KeyExists:0 othersWrites:0 ReadErrors:0 Processing:0) Progress:68%
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :541  - Processing: dynamicBinData.csv
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :425  - Shutdown down reader thread pool
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :536  - Reader completed 4-lines in 0.039sec, From file: dynamicBinData.csv
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :429  - Reader thread pool terminated
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :433  - Shutdown down writer thread pool
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :436  - Writer thread pool terminated
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :439  - Final Statistics of importer: (Succesfull Writes = 36, Errors=0(0-Write,0-Read,0-Processing)
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :451  - Aerospike loader completed
Test Dynamic BinName: Complete
TestAllDatatype: start
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :99  - Aerospike loader started
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :199  - Number of data files:1
INFO  Parser           :165  - Number of columns: 2(metadata) + 4(bins)
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :210  - Config file processed.
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :406  - Parameters:[ host=, port=3000, ns=test, set=null, ttl=-1, timeout=0, write-action=UPDATE, fileType=csv, delimiter=,, timeZoneOffset=0, ignoreFirstLine=true, abortErrorCount=0]
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :415  - Reader pool size : 1
INFO  PrintStat        :85  - 2016-04-03 02:27:59 load(Write count=36 tps=36 Errors=0 (Timeout:0 KeyExists:0 othersWrites:0 ReadErrors:0 Processing:0) Progress:16%
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :425  - Shutdown down reader thread pool
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :541  - Processing: data.csv
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :536  - Reader completed 101-lines in 0.090sec, From file: data.csv
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :429  - Reader thread pool terminated
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :433  - Shutdown down writer thread pool
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :436  - Writer thread pool terminated
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :439  - Final Statistics of importer: (Succesfull Writes = 136, Errors=0(0-Write,0-Read,0-Processing)
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :451  - Aerospike loader completed
TestAllDatatype: Complete
TestValidateInteger: start
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :99  - Aerospike loader started
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :199  - Number of data files:1
INFO  Parser           :165  - Number of columns: 2(metadata) + 1(bins)
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :210  - Config file processed.
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :406  - Parameters:[ host=, port=3000, ns=test, set=null, ttl=-1, timeout=0, write-action=UPDATE, fileType=csv, delimiter=,, timeZoneOffset=0, ignoreFirstLine=true, abortErrorCount=0]
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :415  - Reader pool size : 1
INFO  PrintStat        :85  - 2016-04-03 02:27:59 load(Write count=136 tps=136 Errors=0 (Timeout:0 KeyExists:0 othersWrites:0 ReadErrors:0 Processing:0) Progress:97%
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :425  - Shutdown down reader thread pool
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :541  - Processing: data.csv
ERROR AsWriterTask     :228  - File:data.csv Line:2 Integer/Long Parse Error:java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "key1"
ERROR AsWriterTask     :228  - File:data.csv Line:3 Integer/Long Parse Error:java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "key2"
ERROR AsWriterTask     :228  - File:data.csv Line:8 Integer/Long Parse Error:java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "key7"
ERROR AsWriterTask     :228  - File:data.csv Line:9 Integer/Long Parse Error:java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "key8"
ERROR AsWriterTask     :228  - File:data.csv Line:4 Integer/Long Parse Error:java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "key3"
ERROR AsWriterTask     :228  - File:data.csv Line:10 Integer/Long Parse Error:java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "key9"
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :536  - Reader completed 11-lines in 0.041sec, From file: data.csv
ERROR AsWriterTask     :228  - File:data.csv Line:7 Integer/Long Parse Error:java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "key6"
ERROR AsWriterTask     :228  - File:data.csv Line:11 Integer/Long Parse Error:java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "key10"
ERROR AsWriterTask     :228  - File:data.csv Line:5 Integer/Long Parse Error:java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "key4"
ERROR AsWriterTask     :228  - File:data.csv Line:6 Integer/Long Parse Error:java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "key5"
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :429  - Reader thread pool terminated
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :433  - Shutdown down writer thread pool
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :436  - Writer thread pool terminated
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :439  - Final Statistics of importer: (Succesfull Writes = 136, Errors=0(0-Write,0-Read,0-Processing)
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :451  - Aerospike loader completed
Put/Get mismatch: Expected 80. Received null.
Put/Get mismatch: Expected 93. Received null.
Put/Get mismatch: Expected 90. Received null.
Put/Get mismatch: Expected 46. Received null.
Put/Get mismatch: Expected 56. Received null.
Put/Get mismatch: Expected 97. Received null.
Put/Get mismatch: Expected 88. Received null.
Put/Get mismatch: Expected 81. Received null.
Put/Get mismatch: Expected 14. Received null.
Put/Get mismatch: Expected 23. Received null.
TestValidateBlob: start
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :99  - Aerospike loader started
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :199  - Number of data files:1
INFO  Parser           :165  - Number of columns: 2(metadata) + 1(bins)
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :210  - Config file processed.
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :406  - Parameters:[ host=, port=3000, ns=test, set=null, ttl=-1, timeout=0, write-action=UPDATE, fileType=csv, delimiter=,, timeZoneOffset=0, ignoreFirstLine=true, abortErrorCount=0]
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :415  - Reader pool size : 1
INFO  PrintStat        :85  - 2016-04-03 02:28:00 load(Write count=136 tps=136 Errors=0 (Timeout:0 KeyExists:0 othersWrites:0 ReadErrors:0 Processing:0) Progress:93%
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :425  - Shutdown down reader thread pool
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :541  - Processing: data.csv
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :536  - Reader completed 11-lines in 0.045sec, From file: data.csv
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :429  - Reader thread pool terminated
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :433  - Shutdown down writer thread pool
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :436  - Writer thread pool terminated
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :439  - Final Statistics of importer: (Succesfull Writes = 146, Errors=0(0-Write,0-Read,0-Processing)
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :451  - Aerospike loader completed
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set1 key=key1 bin=loc value=loc80 generation=12 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set2 key=key2 bin=loc value=loc93 generation=12 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set3 key=key3 bin=loc value=loc90 generation=12 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set4 key=key4 bin=loc value=loc46 generation=12 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set0 key=key5 bin=loc value=loc56 generation=12 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set1 key=key6 bin=loc value=loc97 generation=12 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set2 key=key7 bin=loc value=loc88 generation=12 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set3 key=key8 bin=loc value=loc81 generation=12 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set4 key=key9 bin=loc value=loc14 generation=12 expiration=0
Bin matched: namespace=test set=set0 key=key10 bin=loc value=loc23 generation=12 expiration=0
TestValidateList: start
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :99  - Aerospike loader started
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :199  - Number of data files:1
INFO  Parser           :165  - Number of columns: 2(metadata) + 3(bins)
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :210  - Config file processed.
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :406  - Parameters:[ host=, port=3000, ns=test, set=null, ttl=-1, timeout=0, write-action=UPDATE, fileType=csv, delimiter=,, timeZoneOffset=0, ignoreFirstLine=true, abortErrorCount=0]
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :415  - Reader pool size : 1
INFO  PrintStat        :85  - 2016-04-03 02:28:00 load(Write count=146 tps=146 Errors=0 (Timeout:0 KeyExists:0 othersWrites:0 ReadErrors:0 Processing:0) Progress:93%
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :425  - Shutdown down reader thread pool
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :541  - Processing: list-data.csv
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :536  - Reader completed 5-lines in 0.032sec, From file: list-data.csv
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :429  - Reader thread pool terminated
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :433  - Shutdown down writer thread pool
ERROR AsWriterTask     :381  - File:list-data.csv Line:3 Aerospike Bin processing Error:Error Code 1500: /opt/aerospike/sys/udf/lua/ldt/lib_llist.lua:5639 LDT-Not Enabled on Namespace ResultCode: 1500
ERROR AsWriterTask     :381  - File:list-data.csv Line:5 Aerospike Bin processing Error:Error Code 1500: /opt/aerospike/sys/udf/lua/ldt/lib_llist.lua:5639 LDT-Not Enabled on Namespace ResultCode: 1500
ERROR AsWriterTask     :381  - File:list-data.csv Line:2 Aerospike Bin processing Error:Error Code 1500: /opt/aerospike/sys/udf/lua/ldt/lib_llist.lua:5639 LDT-Not Enabled on Namespace ResultCode: 1500
ERROR AsWriterTask     :381  - File:list-data.csv Line:4 Aerospike Bin processing Error:Error Code 1500: /opt/aerospike/sys/udf/lua/ldt/lib_llist.lua:5639 LDT-Not Enabled on Namespace ResultCode: 1500
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :436  - Writer thread pool terminated
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :439  - Final Statistics of importer: (Succesfull Writes = 146, Errors=4(0-Write,0-Read,4-Processing)
INFO  AerospikeLoad    :451  - Aerospike loader completed
Tests run: 9, Failures: 2, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 4.726 sec <<< FAILURE! - in com.aerospike.load.CsvFileParserTest
testValidateInteger(com.aerospike.load.CsvFileParserTest)  Time elapsed: 0.418 sec  <<< FAILURE!
java.lang.AssertionError: null
    at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(
    at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(
    at com.aerospike.load.CsvFileParserTest.testValidateInteger(

testValidateBlob(com.aerospike.load.CsvFileParserTest)  Time elapsed: 0.341 sec  <<< FAILURE!
java.lang.AssertionError: null
    at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(
    at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(
    at com.aerospike.load.CsvFileParserTest.testValidateBlob(

testValidateList(com.aerospike.load.CsvFileParserTest)  Time elapsed: 0.38 sec  <<< ERROR!
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
    at com.aerospike.load.CsvFileParserTest.testValidateList(

Results :

Failed tests: 
  CsvFileParserTest.testValidateInteger:141 null
  CsvFileParserTest.testValidateBlob:234 null

Tests in error: 
  CsvFileParserTest.testValidateList:259 NullPointer

Tests run: 9, Failures: 2, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] There are test failures.

Please refer to /home/ubuntu/Arti/Setup/aerospike-loader-master/target/surefire-reports for the individual test results.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 20 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Sun Apr 03 02:28:01 IST 2016
[INFO] Final Memory: 32M/76M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Thanks for your help in advance


  • I had follow below link

    Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test

    and run command again with mvn clean install -DskipTests