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How do I align the text correctly in html

I'm trying to align the text to right like the first row but the second row keeps spilling below the image. How do I make the text properly aligned no matter the number of rows?

<a href="javascript:;" id="A_3"><i id="I_4"></i></a><span id="SPAN_5">     
<h5 id="H5_6">Payroll</h5>
    <p id="P_7">
        What what everytrksdjfsdf sdmnb fsdmnb sd xcmnvb xcm mbb mvcn bcvxmcnbv</p>

check the jsbin please:

Edit: I see that Safari(1) is displaying this correctly but Google Chrome(2) isn't.

enter image description here

enter image description here


  • I fixed it by adding

    margin: 0px 25px 80px;

    to the A_3 element (the bootstrap circle)

    Thanks a lot for your help!