I'm using flow router for client side routing in a Meteor app. I need to use a router on the server side to expose a webhook. So, I plugged in iron router, but iron router now injects html into my app complaining I need to configure routes in the app. I guess it thinks at least one client side route should exists, er? I have implemented one iron router route in the server like so:
Router.map(function() {
this.route('webhooks', {
layoutTemplate: null,
path: '/webhooks/:source',
where: 'server'
.post(function() {
// auth, stuff happens, etc //
this.response.end('Thank you, come again!');
Is there some configuration I can add to iron router that tells it to calm down?
You may want to use Picker instead
It is designed as a dedicated server side router for meteor.
Also recommended by FlowRouter https://kadira.io/academy/meteor-routing-guide/content/server-side-routing-rest