I intend to use the IoT Hub to update firmware of my Edison device utilising its bi-directional capability although I am not sure of where to look for detailed instructions on how to do it. The only information I have found on the subject is HERE but doesn't go into detail on how exactly to do it, more a high level overview. Does anyone have any knowledge on how this is to be done or know any links that will help?
The link you provided returns 404 for me right now; maybe that's temporary...
I work for Microsoft, on the Device Management SDK team for IoT Hub. The new Device Management capabilities we announced at Build last week should give you exactly what you need, but there isn't much info because the features aren't available to the public just yet.
For a preview, take a look at this video from Build where we demo'd firmware update on the Intel Edison. The device management segment starts at about 35 min, demo at 40 min.
To do firmware update using only what's available publicly today in IoT Hub, you'd probably start by sending a cloud-to-device message to your Edison. Of course, exactly how you go about downloading and updating the firmware after that is specific to your device and scenario.