Search code examples

Basic Slick Insert Example

Can anyone please help me with a basic Insert example using Slick 3.1.1. Database used is SQL Server.

For a table named "employee" having columns "employee_id, name, start_date".

This is how I defined the Employee Class:

class Employee(tag: Tag) extends Table[table_types.user](tag,  "EMPLOYEE") {

  def employeeID = column[Int]("EMPLOYEE_ID")
  def empName = column[String]("NAME")
  def startDate = column[String]("START_DATE")

  def * = (employeeID, empName, startDate)

And this is what I wrote for creating the table and inserting data:

object Hello extends App {

  val db = Database.forConfig("test")
  val employee = TableQuery[Employee]

  try {
    val insert_action = DBIO.seq(employee += (1, "abc", "2016-01-01"))
  finally {

The table is created fine on the destination database but the row does not get inserted and there are no errors. Any help is much appreciated.


  • I tried this code and it works.

    object TestSlick extends App{
      val db = Database.forConfig("h2mem1")
      val employee = TableQuery[Employee]
      try {
          // create the schema
          // insert two User instances
          employee += (1, "abc", "2016-01-01"),
          // print the users (select * from USERS)
, Duration.Inf)
        } finally db.close
    class Employee(tag: Tag) extends Table[(Int,String,String)](tag,"EMPLOYEE") {
      def employeeID = column[Int]("EMPLOYEE_ID")
      def empName = column[String]("NAME")
      def startDate = column[String]("START_DATE")
      def * = (employeeID, empName, startDate)

    Basically you need to execute the queries as futures.