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Error TF30170: "The process template you are using does not support Git." when creating a team project

When attempting to create a new Team Project in TFS 2015 R2 (on-Prem) with a custom Process Template, I received this error popup:

TFS Error when attempting to create a new Team Proejct

This was a surprise, because our customized process template is based off of the default Microsoft Scrum template.

Almost nobody else had this error on the internet from my google-fu. I believe I have a solution and will answer this question accordingly if so.


  • If your Scrum template was from before the introduction of Git in Team Foundation Server you'll likely need to edit your VersionControl.xml to include the Git references there:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <task id="VersionControlTask" name="Create Version Control area" plugin="Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.VersionControl" completionMessage="Version control Task completed.">
            <permission allow="GenericRead, GenericContribute, ForcePush, Administer, CreateBranch, CreateTag, ManageNote" identity="[$$PROJECTNAME$$]\$$PROJECTADMINGROUP$$" />
            <permission allow="GenericRead, GenericContribute, CreateBranch, CreateTag, ManageNote" identity="[$$PROJECTNAME$$]\Contributors" />
            <permission allow="GenericRead, GenericContribute, CreateBranch, CreateTag, ManageNote" identity="[$$PROJECTNAME$$]\Build Administrators" />
            <permission allow="GenericRead" identity="[$$PROJECTNAME$$]\Readers" />

    Adding that blob to the file should allow you to complete the process.