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get tweets with specific status ids using tweepy

I have a list of the specific status ids of tweets that I need to obtain. The tweepy documentation provides the following:


Returns a single status specified by the ID parameter.
Parameters: id – The numerical ID of the status.
Return type:    Status object

I can't work out how to use this or find any examples. Is this even the right thing?

My list of ids is 2240 items long and looks something like this:

response_ids = [717289507981107201, 717289501337509888, ..., 716684885411237888]

These ids were obtained from the 'in_response_to_status_id' field of tweets that I already have (I want to match the tweets I have to the tweets that they were written in response to).

I basically want to write something like

for id in response_ids:
    tweet = API.get_status(id)

Any help on how to do this, or advice about whether this is possible, much appreciated.


  • Think I've worked it out.

    get_status does seem to be the right thing to use, although I initially had some problems with pagination errors. I've hacked some code found in response to another similar problem to come up with this solution:

    def paginate(iterable, page_size):
        while True:
            i1, i2 = itertools.tee(iterable)
            iterable, page = (itertools.islice(i1, page_size, None),
                    list(itertools.islice(i2, page_size)))
            if len(page) == 0:
            yield page
    index = 0
    for page in paginate(response_ids, 1):
        result = api.get_status(response_ids[index])._json
        index += 1