When performing a COPY
command, a few informations are printed, like :
INFO: Load into table '<table>' completed, 22666 record(s) loaded successfully.
INFO: Load into table '<table>' completed, 1 record(s) could not be loaded. Check 'stl_load_errors' system table for details.
And I need to identify failing records.
Thus I need 2 things :
One way to do that would be to access to the query
identifier that is visible in the table stl_load_errors
, but I have no clue how to access it by code.
(I currently use the pg
gem to connect to redshift)
is a table in Redshift that (as you may have guessed already) includes all the errors that happen when loading into Redshift. So you can query it by doing something like:
SELECT * FROM stl_load_errors
Now, to answer your questions use the following snippet:
database = PG.connect(redshift)
query = "COPY %s (%s) FROM 's3://%s/%s' CREDENTIALS 'aws_access_key_id=%s;aws_secret_access_key=%s' CSV GZIP" %
[ table, columns, s3_bucket, s3_key, access_key_id, secret_access_key ]
puts 'File succesfully imported'
rescue PG::InternalError
res = database.exec("SELECT line_number, colname, err_reason FROM pg_catalog.stl_load_errors WHERE filename = 's3://#{s3_bucket}/#{s3_key}'")
res.each do |row|
puts "Importing failed:\n> Line %s\n> Column: %s\n> Reason: %s" % row.values_at('line_number', 'colname', 'err_reason')
That should output all the information you need, recall variables like redshift
, table
, columns
, s3_bucket
, s3_key
, access_key_id
, and secret_access_key
depend on your configuration.
To answer your comment below, more specifically, you could use a query like this:
"SELECT lines_scanned FROM pg_catalog.stl_load_commits WHERE filename = 's3://#{s3_bucket}/#{s3_key}' AND errors = -1"